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Tracker Script


To track website events, you just need inject a simple script(< 2 KB) into your website.

the script look like below:

<script async defer src="https://<your-self-hosted-domain>/tracker.js" data-website-id="xxxxxxxxxxxxx"></script>

you can get this script code from your Tianji website list

Report Event

Tianji provide a simple way to report user click event, its easy to help you track which action user like and often to use.

This is a very common method in website analysis. You can use it quickly get it by using Tianji.

After you inject script code into your website, you just need add a data-tianji-event in dom attribute.

for example:

<button data-tianji-event="submit-login-form">Login</button>

Now, when user click this button, your dashboard will receive new event

Modify default script name

This feature available on v1.7.4+

You can use environment CUSTOM_TRACKER_SCRIPT_NAME when you start it

for example:


then you can visit your tracker script with "https://<your-self-hosted-domain>/my-tracker.js"

This is to help you avoid some ad-blockers.

You do not need the .js suffix. It can be any path you choose, even you can use as CUSTOM_TRACKER_SCRIPT_NAME="this/is/very/long/path"

Tracking Specified Domains Only

Generally the tracker will report all events wherever your site is running. But sometimes we need to ignore events like localhost.

Tianji provides an attribute of the tracker script to do that.

You can add data-domains into your script. The value should be your root domains to track. Use , to separate multiple domains.

<script async defer src="https://<your-self-hosted-domain>/tracker.js" data-website-id="xxxxxxxxxxxxx" data-domains=","></script>

Then you can just see the events from these domains.