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Server Status Reporter

you can report your server status easily with tianji reporter

you can download from


Usage of tianji-reporter:
--interval int
Input the INTERVAL, seconed (default 5)
--mode http
The send mode of report data, you can select: `http` or `udp`, default is `http` (default "http")
--name string
The identification name for this machine
--url string
The http url of tianji, for example:
Use vnstat for traffic statistics, linux only
--workspace string
The workspace id for tianji, this should be a uuid

The url and workspace is required, its means you will report your service to which host and which workspace.

Default a server node name will be same with hostname, so you can custom your name with --name which can help you identify server.

Auto install script

You can get your auto install script in Tianji -> Servers -> Add -> Auto tab

its will auto download reporter and create linux service in your machine. so its need root permission.


if you wanna uninstall reporter service, you can use this command like:

curl -o- | sudo bash -s uninstall

major change is append -s uninstall after your install command.


How to check tianji reporter service log?

If you install with auto install script, tianji will help you install a service which named tianji-reporter in your linux machine.

You can use this command to check tianji reporter log:

journalctl -fu tianji-reporter.service

Not found your machine in server tab even report show success

Maybe your tianji is behind a reverse proxy for example nginx.

Please make sure your reverse proxy add websocket support

Why my machine is always offline?

Please check your server datetime.