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Application Tracking

Tianji provides a powerful SDK for tracking events and user behavior in your applications. This guide explains how to integrate and use the Application Tracking SDK in your projects.


Install the Tianji react native SDK in your project:

npm install tianji-react-native
# or
yarn add tianji-react-native
# or
pnpm add tianji-react-native


Before using any tracking features, you need to initialize the Application SDK with your Tianji server URL and application ID:

import { initApplication } from 'tianji-react-native';

serverUrl: '', // Your Tianji server URL
applicationId: 'your-application-id' // Your application identifier

Tracking Events

You can track custom events in your application to monitor user actions and behaviors:

import { reportApplicationEvent } from 'tianji-react-native';

// Track a simple event
reportApplicationEvent('Button Clicked');

// Track an event with additional data
reportApplicationEvent('Purchase Completed', {
productId: 'product-123',
price: 29.99,
currency: 'USD'

Screen Tracking

Track screen views in your application to understand user navigation patterns:

Setting Current Screen

You can set the current screen information which will be included in subsequent events:

import { updateCurrentApplicationScreen } from 'tianji-react-native';

// Update current screen when user navigates
updateCurrentApplicationScreen('ProductDetails', { productId: 'product-123' });

Reporting Screen Views

Explicitly report screen view events:

import { reportApplicationScreenView } from 'tianji-react-native';

// Report current screen view

// Or report a specific screen view
reportApplicationScreenView('Checkout', { cartItems: 3 });

User Identification

Identify users in your application to track their behavior across sessions:

import { identifyApplicationUser } from 'tianji-react-native';

// Identify a user with their information
id: 'user-123', // Unique user identifier
email: '',
name: 'John Doe',
// Add any other user properties
plan: 'premium',
signupDate: '2023-01-15'

API Reference


Initializes the application tracking SDK.


  • options: ApplicationTrackingOptions

reportApplicationEvent(eventName, eventData?, screenName?, screenParams?)

Sends an application event to the Tianji server.


  • eventName: Name of the event (max 50 chars)
  • eventData: (Optional) Event data object
  • screenName: (Optional) Screen name to override current screen
  • screenParams: (Optional) Screen parameters to override current screen params

updateCurrentApplicationScreen(name, params)

Updates the current application screen information.


  • name: Screen name
  • params: Screen parameters object

reportApplicationScreenView(screenName?, screenParams?)

Sends a screen view event to the Tianji server.


  • screenName: (Optional) Screen name to override current screen
  • screenParams: (Optional) Screen parameters to override current screen params


Identifies a user in the application.


  • userInfo: User identification data object

Payload Limitations

  • Language information: max 35 characters
  • Operating system information: max 20 characters
  • URL information: max 500 characters
  • Event name: max 50 characters